Hey guys. I'm using someone my girl's computer. Not something I can do often. How's everything? I've been working for Best Buy for going on 4 weeks (one month) now. Sweet. No money for graphics card. Even if I did, there are other priorities. Thank you guys so much for Halo 3. That was nice of you to do. I've completed the campaign solo on Normal difficulty. Actually seemed easier than the previous chapters. Possibly because you have the Arbiter--who is invincible--by your side for three quarters of the game. I'm working on Achievements and completing it on Legendary now. Feel free to join. Yeah, I noticed the message you sent me today, Nathan. Funny thing is, it didn't say I received a message at all. I found it an hour later. Either way, I was not playing any longer. Making dinner with my girl and all. I hope we can play soon. My grandparents sent me a dark brown, long-sleeve, suede button up shirt. It was a pretty color and was comfortable. Unfortunately, it was a large--a large that was actually really large--so, I went to exchange it for a small, but they no longer had any. I decided to get a pair of pants. Jeans, to be precise. Since I'm spidery (or so I'm told), I can't wear men's pants. I ended up getting a pair of women's Levi's jeans. Nice and soft and sexy. They are low rider as well. Yum. It has larger belt loops so now I can easily wear my three-row studded leather belt. Looks good, especially with my Opeth belt buckle. Really comfortable. I'm wearing them right now. Boot cut, so they flair a little at the feet. Anywho, I have to go now. Peace with you guys.