wanted dead or alive in 2k10

31 May, 2008

30 May, 2008

allergic. I'm allergic.

this is the band that opened for anathallo last night.
see what thoughts your soul uploads...

29 May, 2008

27 May, 2008

god has a voice, she sings through me

there is a new cocorosie song with a video too

the new sigur ros record


you can download the first song on the new record today at 2:30 est.

its called "gobbledigook"

EDIT: the song is soo good, and the video has a lot of naked people in it. and it is good too.

24 May, 2008



21 May, 2008

once a bear!

new song is up in the air.
it was once a bear.
that part is about a chair in the kitchen.
i think al is trying to put up another one too,
keep on the checkout.
hey, who's your favorite drummer these days?

20 May, 2008

i knew that shit


number 18

19 May, 2008

tired tyres

i got a flat tire today and had to walk a damn mile through the hood.

i forgot to say good luck and have a great time at that show ben.

ps. on my bike i mean

Such Great Fights

hey boyz,
Two more weeks and I'll be back jammin' wichy'all
if you are gonna be in chicago this saturday, alex and I are playing at randolph street market festival in the city...
the lady said there might be up to be four thousand people wandering around,
and they are giving us free food passes for playing,
god bless the queen!

15 May, 2008

holy cow!

i was looking at the site for the guy i just posted that video....

his name is BLU he does a lot of graffiti and i was looking at some of his other stuff and realized i've seen one in person! on a train some where in italy somewhere between venice and rome. nathan, do you remember when i told you about it? it was this one:

ps. here go his website.

now this shit is wonka

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

watch it in full screen.

here it is fellas....

muxtape mixtape

10 May, 2008

eff the po-leece... skullz

06 May, 2008

wireless workin' it.

no job.

did this tonight though:

got there a little late so we really only saw half of 2 films but it was pretty neat. check it here and here.

here goes a link to some paper planes remixes by MIA.

here goes the album art, its a single actually, the orig. p.p. is there too..

later youall


I made it, all you.

THIS post is type-written from my country of birth, growth, residence.
Ever heard of it?

i made it you all

i'm posting this to you from my new crib on e. clay st. in richmond, VA. my wireless internet won't work right now so i have to use an ethernet cable, it kind of sucks. i'm lookin' for a job today.

02 May, 2008

ima wanna!

ellul you to sleep...

While you wait for the others

hi guys!
i'm coming home tomorrow...
well, to usa.
ima be in chicago making kisses with my girl
and making rockandroll with alex for may.

i'll see you kids in the june.

and wanna go see nathan's band in august?
in dC?
i think it is the 11th...

Our Library Thingy

here's some books we've read: