wanted dead or alive in 2k10

08 September, 2008

थिस देय ऑफ़ रेदेम्प्तिवे क्विक ग्लान्सस

Dear brothers...

just wondering what y'all know and what y'all think about this fellow.

Happy Day of Redemptive Quick Glances!


Nathan said...

coooool. where'd you hear of this guy?

Anonymous said...

i think i share a birthday with him.

Anonymous said...

I read that he was friends with this guy... http://www.alastairmcintosh.com/general/spiral-of-violence.htm ... whom I was researching after hearing a onesies of his quotes “When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. [But] when I ask why the poor have no food they call me a communist” ...


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