The riots are still happening and they are spreading across the country. The Conservative Party of Greek's gov't seems to be sorely weakened and the Socialist Party is standing by, waiting to seize their moment. Workers Unions across the country are planning solidarity strikes through out Greece and there are many more solidarity actions being taken up in Europe and even San Francisco and New York City. This is seriously looking to be more than just Greek's version of the Rodney King Riots. Athens is looking to be our generation's Paris. Its really exciting to see this happening. I don't hold any hopes for Greece to become a "free society" but its always inspiring to see so many different groups of people organizing and reacting in a way that is concrete and direct. None of the sign holding, hippie bullshit. As long as the rioters seem to be keeping their focus on the cops and other parts of the State, I can't see much wrong with a violent reaction to a violent act. Maybe this will have the same effect on Greece and the rest of the world today as Paris did in '68. Hopefully it will be more successful. Hopefully Alexandros was not just another death at the hands of a cop.

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