wanted dead or alive in 2k10

29 April, 2010

That was Fast!

[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] Richmond May Day 2010 VICTORY For Free Speech!

Good News! Due to the success of an action taken by hundreds of activists in solidarity with Richmond May Day 2010 through a 24 hour letter writing campaign, with over 350 signatures, targeting Police Chief Bryan T. Norwood (Richmond City Chief of Police) and Mayor Dwight C. Jones (Richmond City Mayor) we were granted a permit allowing the use of the street to march.

The letter was concerning their requirement that organizers be responsible for the hiring of off duty police officers, an infringement on our First Amendment Right to free speech and freedom of assembly. Without all of your diligent solidarity and action including the experience and advising efforts of the Virginia ACLU and Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, we have avoided a potentially dangerous situation. The city has granted two police vehicles at no cost to the organizers as an escort to Richmond May Day Parade 2010.

We still plan to work closely with the ACLU from this point forward to insure that anyone else who wishes to exercise their First Amendment Rights may do so without the deterrent of any government ordinance requiring payment to do so.

In Solidarity,
Richmond May Day Organizing Committee 2010

Always in Solidarity

Police Repression and Censorship in RVA:

A coalition of local activist groups plans to hold a parade in Richmond this Saturday, May 1, to commemorate May Day. On March 16, 2010, Fellow Worker Kenneth Yates, one of the event organizers, submitted a parade permit application to Sgt. Selander of the RPD Special Events Division. According to the relevant city ordinance (Chapter 102, Article X of the City Code, pertaining to Assemblies, Demonstrations, and Parades), the police should have responded within five days. Instead, nearly a month went. On April 14, Sgt. Selander informed Mr. Yates that, in order to receive a parade permit, his group would have to pay for two off-duty police officers. According to Attorney Rebecca K. Glenberg of the Virginia ACLU, who has been in touch with both Mr. Yates and Sgt. Selander on this matter, the city code does not include any authority for the police to impose such a requirement.

Sign the letter here: http://www.change.org/petitions/view/free_speech_for_richmonds_may_day

Dear Mayor Dwight C. Jones and Police Chief Bryan T. Norwood:

I am writing to protest the fact that the Richmond Police Department is attempting to deny a parade permit to organizers of a Richmond May Day Parade planned for this coming Saturday, first by failing to respond to the organizers’ permit application within the time limit imposed by city law, and second by demanding that the organizers first agree to hire two off-duty police officers, a requirement not included in the relevant city ordinance. I urge the City of Richmond to do the right thing, respect the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and immediately grant the parade permit.


The Parade is scheduled to continue. Folks who want to participate should show up at 4pm in Clay Abner Park to rally and parade out onto Broad Street (or the sidewalk)! There are press conferences and pickets being planned for tomorrow and possibly Friday, keep up to date at www.maydayrva.org or follow them on Facebook. And don’t forget the workshops Friday night at the William Byrd Community House in Oregon Hill and Saturday at Gallery 5 in Jackson Ward!

28 April, 2010


you only need to watch the first 30 seconds.

these are the guys i do listen to.

these are tha band boys.
these are O'BROTHER

26 April, 2010

gotta say...

I like this.

If its not to faggoty for you.


this is for you dude. Violin cover of Toxicity......


born free

new M.I.A. song, i don't really like it. but the video is intense.


23 April, 2010

Riding the Bummer Train to No where

total bust.

short as shit train.

closed boxcars


and an un-rideable grainer.

So we camped by the river instead.

22 April, 2010


Train Trip tonight. To Burkeville and back. Pictures to come.

20 April, 2010



My friend Amy posted this on my fb and i thought it ruled.

pillow talk

sexy stuff.

What I listen to most right now. guys.

happy birthday,

  • DUDE.

Shameless Self Promotion

This is my house y'all. For those of you who don't know, we are a radical lending library in Richmond, VA. The project has been around for more than 10 years, and has spent around 7 of those years in the blue and purple house, in the historically white working class neighborhood of Oregon Hill at 506 S Pine St. We have lots of books and zines and free shit. We also hold events like film screenings, discussions, meetings, the occasional acoustic show, and workshops.

So if y'all are in Richmond and want to come check it out and visit me, or you just need my address so you can send me sweet shit, NOW YOU KNOW. Come visit eh? I'm a 3 minute walk to river, and its beautiful in the summertime. There is even a sweet rope swing under the train trestle.

We have a blog too: flyingbrickrva.wordpress.com
Find us on myspace

16 April, 2010

14 April, 2010

that cocorosie cover... i dunno dude. i, dunno..

also they're playing the black cat in june for $20.



Refused and the (International) Noise Conspiracy?

Dennis and David are at it agains....so punx


Also this:

Early May 2010

and Bunny Rabbit. Check it.

did it i ever tell you?


12 April, 2010

speaking of the soil and the sun

here is audio of the show they played at my new house in DC. in the backyard.

File 2:
File Name: soilandthesun2010-04-05nm01.wav
File Size: 205 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vqruvk

File 3:
File Name: soilandthesun2010-04-05nm02.wav
File Size: 177 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/37blbi

File 4:
File Name: soilandthesun2010-04-05nm03.wav
File Size: 179 MB
Download Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z18hvl

what it I did.


how will i know what to do it

oh gawd.

11 April, 2010

what i listen 2

way to keep it eclectic dude

but i don't believe you're listening to illinoise.

these been listened aka hello and i love y'all

Cryptopsy - "None So Vile"

Waylon Jennings - "Greatest Hits"

Tim Barry - "28th and Stonewall"

Simon and Garfunkel - "Sounds of Silence"

The Blackheart Saints - "Sick in Love EP"

Sundials - "First 3 Songs"

Sufjan Stevens - "Illinoise"

Daughters - "Daughters"

Our Library Thingy

here's some books we've read: